
【看英文中國郵報學英文】大陸武漢肺炎疫情波及台灣,連帶影響本土飯店、觀光業者,由大S老公汪小菲經營的S Hotel近日被爆料要旗下員工放無薪假,傳出有4人逾期回覆被資遣,對此,《NOWnews今日新聞》取得大S和飯店回應,汪小菲昨(11日)晚也在微博回應此事。Taipei S Hotel, run by Chinese businessman Wang Xiaofei — husband of Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu, has allegedly asked staff to take leaves without pay on a voluntary basis. Four people have reportedly been dismissed over the matter amid the ongoing virus outbreak. Wang replied on Tuesday to media inquiries in a post to Weibo. 汪小菲發文表示,飯店確實要員工放一個月7天的無薪假,但該給的基本薪資沒有少,且沒有強制性。Wang confirmed that the hotel management asked employees to take seven days of unpaid leave, on a voluntary basis. Those who refused to comply, however, were reportedly dismissed by the company. 他寫道,「同意的員工可以留下,回復(覆)慢或不同意的員工會資遣,也就是還要多給他們一個月的工資」,意指4名員工因逾期回覆才被公司資遣。“Those who agree to take unpaid time off can stay, while those who disagree on this matter should be dismissed. Yet, they still received a severance fee equivalent to one month of salary,” Wang wrote. 他強調飯店不想放棄任何一位員工,但想離開的人「也不會少拿一分錢」,「感謝那些和企業同舟共濟的同事們。疫情一定會過去,我們也會讓酒店正常經營下去。」汪小菲說大部分員工都願意共體時艱,承諾管理階層一定會做員工堅強的後盾。According to NOWnews, Wang also thanked the hotel staff for working hard during the crisis. He also expressed hopes that the company would push through the tough times with the help of every employee’s dedication. 而大S透過經紀人回應,「有聽聞S hotel業績因為疫情受影響,尊重先生汪小菲的決策,盼共體時艱!」In response to the controversy, Barbie Hsu’s management agency said that Barbie respects her husband’s decision and hopes that the team would overcome tough times. 更多 ChinaPost 新聞 紅毛猩猩伸出「猿」手 解救受困管理員 | Endangered orangutan lends helping hand to man 世界最美便條紙在台灣!一張張撕下浮現「森林中博物館」| The most beautiful memo pad features 3D papercut of Chimei Museum 阿滴「3分鐘全英語片、公開信」致WHO 蔡英文感動說話了 | President shares YouTuber’s open letter to WHO

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